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Streamlining AI’s Path to Production with Intel® Geti™ Software
Get the latest on computer vision AI from Intel.

Dec. 13, 2022

Streamlining AI’s Path to Production with Intel® Geti™ Software

Adam Burns, VP and Director of AI developer tools in the Network and Edge group (NEX), Intel Corporation

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger introduced the world to Intel® Geti software at Intel Innovation 2022, revealing a streamlined path to deploying the power of AI. As part of the launch, we shared our commitment to commercializing the platform for selected customers in Q4 2022. Fulfilling our promise, we are thrilled to announce Intel Geti software is now commercially available for select customers.

AI is on the rise across enterprise use cases, with the ability to improve efficiency and drive decisions using data. Algorithms are being built by experts all over the world that deduce patterns and predict trends from massive data sets well beyond human scale, releasing value in the form of insights. Still, too many great proofs of concept never make it to production because it’s so hard to customize those algorithms for specific use cases in a scalable manner.

With Intel Geti software now commercially available, enterprises can simplify development and make their AI goals more attainable. The software unites the right people and the right data for an efficient path to building high-quality solutions, overcoming obstacles to bring AI pilots to production. Intel Geti software eliminates siloes among development teams, making it much easier to build AI computer vision models and adapt them to specific implementations. Data scientists, software developers, and domain experts collaborate on solutions, using an intuitive but powerful interface.

Overcoming the Knowledge Gap

Data science teams are often looking for ways to increase efficiencies and ways to collaborate with business experts to tackle complex challenges. There is also a knowledge gap between those AI experts and the domain experts who deeply understand the business environment. Intel Geti software fills in the gap between the two groups by giving domain experts a seat at the AI development table.

For example, a retail expert might want to implement smart inventory management across shops and warehouses. An industrial engineer might need to fine-tune defect detection to specific manufacturing processes and product SKUs. Bringing together their domain knowledge with AI and data science expertise has traditionally taken a lot of time and effort. Intel Geti software streamlines the process, breaking down the former siloes that isolated business and technical knowledge from each other.

That makes Intel Geti software an innovation multiplier that more efficiently brings effective AI solutions to life, while the collaborative approach enables high quality model creation for today’s challenges. Intel’s early access program has engaged with dozens of partners around the world, across various industry verticals, and Intel is committed to their success going forward. The program is turbocharging solution development on Intel Geti software, and launch partners have already built some amazing solutions based on the technology, including the following:

Bravent: Industrial computer vision. Leveraging Intel Geti software, Bravent developed an efficient, flexible AI-based computer vision solution to reduce human error in complex machinery assemblies, which can be scaled and adapted across a range of industries.

Sensing Feeling: Smart cities. By streamlining AI model creation, Intel Geti software helps local authorities use Sensing Feeling’s solution to bring ambitious smart cities initiatives to reality.

Integrating with the Broader Development Stack

Intel Geti software abstracts away AI model development complexity, reducing effort while improving quality. It enhances the frameworks, tools and workflows that developers already use to customize solutions to specific use cases and prepare applications for deployment.

Intel Geti software integrates with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to optimize AI models for deployment at scale across a multitude of industries and use cases, from the edge to cloud. Solutions empowered with the OpenVINO toolkit for compute at the edge make it easier for developers to support real-time (and near real-time) workflows for communications, safety and other applications. By making it simpler to deploy AI-powered edge processing, solution architects consume data close to where it is produced. That approach aligns with today’s world, where the latency and cost of sending massive data sets over the wire are unacceptable.

These innovations give a glimpse of Intel’s roadmap as we work to connect breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and automation. Intel Geti software is a critical new software ingredient to help enterprises focus on deploying and consuming AI instead of dedicating all their resources to building it. Intel Geti software plays a key role in AI optimization and deployment across the heterogeneous enterprise.

Looking forward, Intel is working toward a future where AI powers every type of workload, with resource efficiency and minimal complexity. Intel Geti software and OpenVINO toolkit deliver critical capabilities along this journey to customize applications in a scalable manner and deploy them everywhere.

Learn More About the Intel® Geti Software

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Streamlining AI’s Path to Production with Intel® Geti™ Software


Streamlining AI’s Path to Production with Intel® Geti™ Software