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Customer Success Stories

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Customer Success Stories
Be inspired in the development of your AI models by these success stories.

Jan. 31, 2023

Computer Vision AI Education and Deployment Leaps Forward with a New Approach from ITis and Intel

While computer vision and other forms of AI have the potential to transform a wide range of processes across many industries, it can be incredibly challenging to integrate these technologies into real-world applications. One of the more formidable roadblocks is developing internal expertise and equipping people with the hands-on skills to tackle complex data science tasks.
ITis Co., Ltd., a pioneer in the AI education space, developed a revolutionary experiential training course toolkit, Edge AI Vision Training Kit (EVAT), that helps organizations reach their transformation goals.

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Computer Vision AI Education and Deployment Leaps Forward with a New Approach from ITis and Intel


Computer Vision AI Education and Deployment Leaps Forward with a New Approach from ITis and Intel