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Get the latest on computer vision AI from Intel.

Get the latest on computer vision AI from Intel.

Oct. 25, 2023

The Next Evolution: Intel® Geti™ 1.8.0 is here.

Intel’s software for building custom computer vision models more efficiently just launched a new version: Intel® Geti™ 1.8.0.

This release includes additions for an enhanced data labeling experience with the Segment Anything Model (SAM), new storage management resources, and ready-to-use datasets.

Our existing customers are invited to upgrade to 1.8.0 and use the latest functionality!

New Functionality

Among further updates, here are a few key highlights from the 1.8.0 release:

Enhanced labeling experience with SAM: Segment Anything Model (in beta)

  • Leverage a new annotation tool based on SAM to segment objects and create bounding boxes with a click. Hover over any object in an image or frame to preview the annotation, select the object to apply the mark, and fine-tune the results by selecting areas to add or remove.

SAM is a cutting-edge AI-powered image segmentation solution incorporated into Intel Geti software. For more information, read this article on SAM and how to leverage this new platform functionality.

New Storage Management Resources

  • Monitor storage usage with a helpful dashboard and status bar indicator.
  • Receive timely storage alerts to manage your disk space appropriately and maintain software performance.

Sample Datasets Now Available

  • Ready-to-use datasets are available in the software to explore different vision tasks, such as object detection and semantic segmentation. These datasets can help users familiarize themselves with the software and start their model development journey.


Intel Geti software was launched worldwide in 2022 and is commercially available.

The software will continue to evolve with ongoing releases to serve customers. To stay updated with the latest product news or share your interest in leveraging the software in your organization, contact us via this form. Pricing information is available upon request.

More on Intel® Geti™ Software

Several resources, including the product solution brief, are available to learn more about Intel Geti software. Here are a few highlights:

Learn More About the Intel® Geti Software

Learn how you can build AI models at scale with Intel® Geti™ software.


The Next Evolution: Intel® Geti™ 1.8.0 is here


The Next Evolution: Intel® Geti™ 1.8.0 is here